1:1 online coaching
Upfront consultation to understand goals / lifestyle and to determine the right training plan for you
Fully personalised programme delivered through Final Surge
Weekly email feedback
Monthly call to check in on progress and discuss the next stage
Training paces based on your goals and current fitness level
£55 PCM (3 month minimum)
Everything in Bronze PLUS:
Weekly feedback in Final Surge
Analysis of key training sessions
Fortnightly call to discuss progress
Drills, strength & conditioning and prehab exercises
Advice on rest and recovery
£85 PCM (3 month minimum)
Everything in Silver PLUS:
Feedback on Final Surge after every activity / session
Pre race planning and strategy meetings for goal races
Unlimited coaching calls
WhatsApp number for communication
HIIT training plans
Recipes catered to running
£115 PCM (3 month minimum)
Platinum (price on application)
The ultimate personal service!
Face to face training sessions
Video analysis
Lactate testing
Pacing in races (where possible)